Kabelo Mabalane admits to past abuse: 'It is important to take full responsibility'

Kabelo Mabalane admits to past abuse: 'It is important to take full responsibility'

Kabelo has opened up about his "shameful, cowardly behaviour" as a young man, but not everyone is impressed with his confession. 

Gail and Kabelo Mabalane
Gail and Kabelo Mabalane / Instagram (@gail_mabalane)

Kabelo Mabalane opened up about once being a perpetrator of abuse as part of the #NoExcuse campaign to fight gender-based violence.  

The singer, and his wife Gail Mabalane, launched the campaign with several other stars last week.  Kabelo took to Twitter to make a shocking confession on the eve of the 16 Days of Activism for No Violence Against Women and Children campaign. 

The campaign kicked off on Thursday, November 25, and will run until December 10. It aims to raise awareness about gender-based violence. 

Kabelo says there is no excuse for partner violence. He admits that he was once a perpetrator. 

"As a young man I too was a perpetrator of this shameful cowardly behaviour. The shame and the embarrassment made me shy away from these spaces," he wrote. 

The 44-year-old says he has since learned that it is important to take full responsibility for the "reprehensible unacceptable behaviour". 

"I am also now at [a] place where I appreciate the importance of lending my voice to fighting this pandemic. To the perpetrators there is hope and there is healing. Don't be afraid to get help.”

ALSO READ: Kabelo Mabalane to release new music

Gail also took to social media to pledge her support for the campaign.  

"We’ve always believed that our platforms are bigger than us. “Influence” comes with responsibility.... As couples, we need to create healthy environments within our homes to start having these hard conversations honestly. Change can only come when we face this head-on," she captioned a picture with Kabelo. 

ALSO READ: WATCH: TikTok hand gestures that indicate domestic violence helps save 16-year-old

Social media users had mixed reactions to Kabelo's post.  Some applauded him for owning up to his mistakes while others slammed him. 

"Ugh, perpetrators don’t need a platform or an audience to be celebrated for understanding and admitting they’ve abused people. You’ve turned this narrative into the total opposite of what the conversation and focus should actually be," Twitter user, @Maccoah, wrote. 

Another Twitter user added: "Men are busy hailing you a hero here cause you've now given them a reason to find comfort in abusing with a soothed conscience... You can't save a perpetrator, it's impossible. Your angle won't wake us up with lesser cases of abuse."


Some Twitter users say Kabelo's confession has opened up an important conversation.

"Well done, Kabelo. I hope more of those who are still abusers could learn a thing or two from you,"  @loobangs commented. 

Another user added: "S/O to @KabeloMabalane for owning up and taking full responsibility for his actions! That’s what we as men need to do to change all the bad that’s happening now! #NoExcuse."

Twitter user, @ThembiMatroshe, says rehabilitation is important but gender-based violence campaign should not focus on the abuser. 

"I do believe it is important for perpetrators to get rehabilitation and all of that. However I do not believe that they should be in the forefront of GBV movements. These spaces should be central to victims and survivors. Former perpetrators must create their own spaces!" she tweeted.

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