Five reasons you should go out more

Five reasons you should go out more

Sitting on your comfy couch with a huge bag of chips while watching a marathon of your favourite TV series sounds like a good idea on a rainy day.


Staying inside your home too much on the weekend is seriously a waste of your life. 

Here are five reasons you really need to ditch the indoors life every once in a while. 

Food Porn

After a long day at work the last thing you want to do is slave over a hot stove, or worse, heat up a pre-cooked, store-bought meal in the microwave. Treat your taste buds to new and exciting foods by visiting at least one new eatery a month. Indian, Mexican, Italian, Chinese – there are so many options to explore. 

Much needed distraction from technology

Sitting at home bored often leads to you twiddling your thumbs or spending way too much time checking your Instagram feed on your phone or watching Titanic for the 100th time. This is a complete waste of your life. Leonardo DiCaprio’s handsome boyish looks will still be there when you get home, and that picture you posted of your cute cat will most likely still only have one like hours later. Ditch the technology and enjoy a night on the town. 

Lose a few kilograms

Sitting on your couch for hours, flipping through channels on your remote might give your thumbs a good workout – but being a couch potato all day is seriously unhealthy, and apparently shaves off several years of your quality of life. Not to mention your risk of heart disease is much higher than someone out dancing the night away.

Improve your social skills

Staying indoors too often means less communication with people from different walks of life. Improve your social skills by talking to actual people, instead of screaming at your TV over the latest Game of Thrones death. There is so much fun to be had with real humans out in the real world. 

Netflix and chill is a major farce 

Yes, you read right – forget what you have heard about “Netflix and chill”, it is not something to be desired. There certainly is more “chilling” than actual Netflix streaming. Put simply, it is just a “booty call”. So ditch the chilling and the “netflixing” all together and start going out more. 

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