Five reasons dads deserve more than socks on Father’s Day

Five reasons dads deserve more than socks on Father’s Day

It’s Father’s Day this weekend, and time to celebrate one of the most important male figures in a child’s life.

best gift ever

But Father’s Day also means another year for some dads to add a pair of socks to their growing collection.

It may have something to do with the fact that the special day falls during winter, or that last minute shoppers (you know who you are) can’t resist reaching for those cute cartoon-themed socks.

Hey, we love ourselves a good pair of socks, but if you are guilty of going all out on Mother’s Day (chocolates, perfume, flowers, and the works), then getting dad socks on Father’s Day, you might want to switch it up in 2016.

Here are seven reasons, you should NOT get dad a pair of socks this Father’s Day.

Remember that time your “dead beat” ex broke your heart…


Or that time dad sent a very nice email the parents of your school bully…


And who can forget dad’s awkward birds and the bees talk?


What about that time you fell off your bike, and cried like a baby? And dad did silly things to make you laugh…


Or that awesome moment at your school sports day when dad cheered you on even though, let’s face it, everyone knew you would come last…


Don’t forget that time dad saved you from a flying car…

Or that time dad made you famous (kinda) with his, uhm, interesting dance moves at the school fair…


Does that seem like a man who deserves just a pair of socks on Father’s Day?


Now go out there and make some non-sock purchases! 

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