Dog locked in car is “listening to music"

Dog locked in car is “listening to music"

It’s a normal reaction for any dog lover to try and rescue a dog that he or she may feel is in danger. This British dog owner, knowing just that, left a very unusual note by the window of his car after he locked his dog in the car.


Now anyone who knows anything about pet safety knows that leaving a dog locked in a car can be quiet dangerous. A normal reaction would be to break the window in order to 'free’ the dog, but this dog owner put a rather odd note on the window, putting bystanders' minds at ease.

"Please don't break the window. The AC is on, he has water and is listening to his favourite music," the note read. The note has since been shared thousands of times of social media, sparking debate. 

Although the owner may have thought this is perfectly fine, the British RSPCA said it had some concerns over the note. "But every case is different so we couldn't say for certain if the dog was in danger. Some cars are adapted to make animals more comfortable and this may have been the case here," it was quoted as saying in


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