Beyoncé’s announcement was an epic fail

Beyoncé’s announcement was an epic fail

Beyoncé had Twitter abuzz with the ‘breaking news’ she couldn’t wait to share with the world. Unfortunately the announcement turned out to be ‘pretty lame’ according to fans.


Beyoncé was meant to share some ‘breaking news’ when she made an appearance on Good Morning America yesterday morning. 

Queen B had excitedly told fans via a video teaser for the show that "this is something I have to share with everyone!"

Fans all over the world were waiting in anticipation, hoping for some exciting news.

Some speculated that she might announce she was pregnant - or that she had a new world tour. 

Check out how she advertised the 'big announcement': 


She makes it sound exciting, right?

Unfortunately B did NOT deliver! 

Beyoncé’s big news was that she has started a vegan diet...



Twitter was not happy:  


Do you think Beyoncé’s announcement was:

a.    A waste of time 
b.    Great. Her diet is very important 


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