All hail the XBox One

All hail the XBox One

It is a long awaited piece of equipment that has been kept from South African shores for a considerable amount of time. Its might was spoken of in whisper, in corridors and dark corners of the earth...


Since the release of its rival, Microsoft's XBox One console's very own release was staggered, and allowed the competition to make some serious headway. But what Microsoft have are some incredible tricks up their sleeves.

Complete with an AMD 8-core CPU, 8GB of DDR3 RAM, an AMD Radeon GPU, 500GB of internal storage (with the option to plug in external storage devices), the XBox One leaves its predecessor for a sleeker, minimalist design, with no curves. 

It's a powerhouse running XBox OS with a Windows custom Kernel, plus it also has the ability to run virtual instances of an operating system.

Still not impressed? For those of you who've been reading about the XBox One's graphical 'inferiority' to the PS4, you'd be pleasantly surprised to discover that this device supports 4K resolution (2160p for you LED fans!) and 7.1 surround sound!

If you're planning on pulling all-nighters playing your latest favourites, fear not, the One's got you covered with its unique ability to regulate its own temperatures and adjust its heat settings automatically by increasing/decreasing fan speed. 

The controller retains a similar design to the previous console, but loses its chunkiness and cumbersome rear battery pack, and the D-pad is now a four-way design. All you need to know, is that controller in your hands is has $100-million worth of research and development behind it - yes, you read right, just the controller!

The upgraded Kinect camera system was highly anticipated, and utilizes a 1080p camera. Thanks to the developers at Microsoft, you can turn your gaming area into a full-blown production studio, as you record gameplay, along with your facial reactions as captured by the Kinect. You can later edit this footage, and create your own personal game reviews, vlogs, and brag videos to share with the rest of the world! The Kinect also allows you to skype fellow contacts during gameplay, or whatever it is you're currently using your console for. How is this possible without hands? Simple... The answer lies in the XBox one's unique voice control functionality. You can tell your XBox exactly what to do and it will do it for you! Just make sure you don't say "Xbox off"!

You can also integrate all your social networks with the console and link smartphones and tablets to your device, thereby having a fully-fledged media hub in your home! With its ability to accommodate an array of apps, coupled with it's hardware capabilities, the surface hasn't yet been scratched with regard to what the Xbox one is fully capable of. This is just the beginning...

Having read the above, you'd think we're describing a super-computer to you! Let's not forget the core function of the One - to be the baddest, most engaging gaming experience of your life! Probably the most anticipated game to come is Evolve, a co-op deathmatch game where a team of four characters, hunt a single boss monster (also a playable character) in a variety of maps and scenarios. The result? Evolve was heralded the best game of E3 2014! Only this magnificent gameplay can convince you:

Pretty impressive, huh? What if you could own this marvel of technology? What if you had the power of the world's finest hardware, software and online excellence in the palm of your hand? You can! Register on and become a part of gaming history. The power is in your hands.

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