UKZN engineering students showcase their bright ideas

UKZN engineering students showcase their bright ideas

A number of concept projects have been on display at UKZN's Howard College engineering faculty - with mechanical engineering students showcasing ideas they hope will change our everyday lives. 

Steve Bhengu

Earlier today, bright minds demonstrated how a number of their unique inventions worked - across different spectrums. 

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The faculty's Professor Glen Bright says the idea was to challenge them to influence everyday lives through what they have been taught in the classroom.

"These are final year students who are involved today. And the students do a year-long project - it starts in February, and ends in October. So they've got ten months to research, design, construct, manufacture. And then of course they do their testing. The purpose of the project is to meet the Engineering Council of South Africa's obligations - and of course to get their final degrees," he said. 


WATCH: The final year students show-off some of their inventions:

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