Transport officials probing fatal Harding crash

Transport officials probing fatal Harding crash

The KZN Transport Department has launched an investigation into the horrific bakkie crash in southern KZN that claimed the lives of 11 people.

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A 3-month-old baby and a 3-year-old toddler were among those killed in yesterday's afternoon crash.

It's understood a bakkie overturned on the D1049 near KwaMbotho outside Harding at about 4pm.

The Health Department says seven other people were hurt in the accident.

Transport MEC Mxolisi Kaunda is travelling to the area this morning.

His spokesperson Kwanele Ncalane says the MEC views the crash as a huge tragedy for the province, especially the deaths of eleven people in one accident.


"We have started a investigation to look at other possible causes of the accident. The investigation will look over everything because we were told that the number of people that were inside the vehicle was more than 15.

"Also we are going to look into the roadworthiness of the vehicle and all other factors and road conditions and other issues" he said.

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