Miners gather for Marikana commemoration

Miners gather for Marikana commemoration

Mineworkers, unions, political and religious leaders are gathering at the koppie near the Lonmin mine in the North West to commemorate the Marikana Massacre.

Workers gather for 4th commemoration of Marikana Massacre_jacanews
Photo: Samkele Maseko

On this day four years ago, 34 mineworkers were shot and killed by police during a violent protest at the mine.


The Farlam Commission of Inquiry into the massacre recommended inquiries into the fitness to hold office of the now suspended National Police Commissioner Riah Phiyega, but largely exonerated political figures like Cyril Ramaphosa (former non-executive director at Lonmin), then Police Minister Nathi Mthethwa and Mineral Resources Minister at the time, Susan Shabangu.


The conduct of police during strikes came under the spotlight with current Police Minister Nathi Nhleko announcing a task team to look into transforming the police service to better deal with violent protests.


There remain widespread calls for action to be taken against those responsible for the deaths at Marikana. 

The Council of Churces' Bishop Jo Seoka said they were also still waiting for a public apology.

Workers at koppie 4th Marikana commemoraition_jacanews
Photo: Samkele Maseko
Marikana workers at 4th commemoration_jacanews
Photo: Samkele Maseko

Meanwhile, hundreds of members from the Association of Mineworkers and Construction Union (Amcu) are sitting on the koppie, remembering the day that rocked the country in 2012 -and the lives lost. 


EFF leader Julius Malema is expected to address the commemoration this afternoon.

Workers at koppie 4th Marikana commemoraition_jacanews
Photo: Samkele Maseko

(Photos, video by Jacaranda FM News)

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