Basic Education department all geared-up for 2016 matric exams

Basic Education department all geared-up for 2016 matric exams

Basic Education Minister, Angie Motshekga, says everything is in place to ensure the 2016 matric final exams run smoothly.


The 2016 National Senior Certificate (NCS) exams are scheduled to start later next month.

Speaking in Pretoria yesterday, Motshekga says her department is confident no papers will be leaked - as stringent security measures have been  put in place to ensure there is no exam leak.

SEE ALSO: Education officials believe learners equipped for matric finals

"So we've started the countdown towards the matric exams - less than six weeks now - because the exams will start towards the end of October. As we prepare to administer the 2016 National Senior Certificate exams, and as the CEM we are confident that the system is adequately prepared to run these exams again, all systems go ahead of October 26 commencement date," he said.

Motshekga said KwaZulu-Natal and Gauteng have the highest number of registered pupils who will be writing the matric exams.

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