Celine Dion breaks down as she battles to sing

Celine Dion breaks down as she battles to sing in new documentary

The singer was filmed attempting to sing while her voice broke down. 

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 Celine Dion has been battling with Stiff Person Syndrome, which has affected her voice. 

The singer recently released her heartbreaking new Amazon Prime documentary which shows a short clip of her attempting to sing. 

In the documentary, the singer can be seen trying to sing when her voice breaks down several times. 

This led to her crying and explaining: "And that's what happens." 

READ: Celine Dion: "I hope to see you all again very, very soon"

The 56-year-old goes on to share how difficult it has been to see her health deteriorate and the effect it has had on her singing.  

"And it's very difficult for me to hear that and to show this to you," she says in the documentary. 

The singer adds that she doesn't want people hearing her sing like that. 

"I don't want people to hear that." 

Full of tears, she reminisces about her former glory. 

"I think I was very good. I think I had some stuff that was amazing," she says before explaining that she has been battling in the studio. 

"But there's been moments I had to go to the studio, and I knew they wanted Céline Dion. 'Who's Céline Dion? Céline Dion is the one who sang all by myself… did the highest note ever and whatever, she's the best." 

The documentary came out on June 25. 

Celine has had to put her career on hold after being diagnosed with the illness. 

In previous interviews, she explained that trying to sing with Stiff-Person Syndrome feels "like somebody is strangling you". 

READ: Celine Dion has been living with stiff person syndrome for 17 years

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