Alan Jackson hopes to release new music | East Coast Radio

Alan Jackson hopes to release new music despite his medical condition

"I feel like there’ll be some more music to come."

Alan Jackson
Alan Jackson/ Instagram

Alan Jackson had to postpone his world tour last year. He announced that he was suffering from Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease - a degenerative nerve condition that affects his motor skills. 

As a result, some of his fans were worried that he might no longer be able to release new music, but the Grammy Award winner says his fans can relax. 

He will definitely be releasing more music. 

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In an interview with his daughter Mattie Jackson’s 'In Joy Life' podcast, the 64-year-old said he is "always scribbling down ideas and thinking about melodies… I feel like there’ll be some more music to come".

He also revealed that he enjoys writing music more than singing. 

"It’s more fulfilling than anything," Jackson said. 

He said if it wasn't for writing songs, he would have become bored of singing and performing. But writing music keeps him on his toes and allows him to release his creative juices. 

"It's like, you can be a singer and go out and tour… but it's kind of like you're just doing the same thing over and over," he added. 

"When you make an album, or especially when you write a lot of the songs for it, that's creating something. It's a challenge, so it keeps you interested a little more. If I didn't write, I think I would've gotten bored just singing a long time ago," he said.

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Image courtesy of Instagram

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