Natural ways to keep your pets warm this winter

Eight ways to keep your pets warm this winter

Here are smart ways to keep your cats and dogs warm.

Dog and cat together in blanket iStock
Dog and cat together in blanket/ iStock

Pets are not immune to cold weather temperatures. 

Although people might believe that dogs and cats are more resistant than people to cold weather because of their fur, this is not the case.

Cold weather conditions expose your pets to frostbite (damage to the skin caused by extreme cold) and hypothermia (a condition that occurs when your body temperature drops dangerously low). 

According to  Top Dog Health, 'when your dog is exposed to extreme cold, such as when the temperature drops below 32°F (0°C), their blood vessels constrict to divert blood towards their core to keep the vital organs warm'. 

Another danger is that they can experience stiffness in joints. 

READ: Six-legged dog gets second chance with new family

To protect your pets: 

- Limit the amount of time your pets are outdoors and exposed to cold weather conditions. 

- In your home or your pets' shelters, provide warmth. 

- Dress your pets with warm and protective clothing. Some clothes include jackets and boots. 

- Cover your pets with a blanket. 

- If your dog has been exposed to rain, dry it thoroughly. 

- Provide mats indoors for your pets to lie on. 

- Moisturise your dog with dog-safe products.

 - Provide pet-friendly heating pads. 

READ: Meet the world's tallest dog

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