Smart ways to reduce your household electricity consumption

8 Smart ways to reduce your household electricity consumption

Eskom is proposing a 40% tariff increase. Here is how you can save on your electricity bill. 

Concept of rising energy cost in South Africa
Concept of rising energy cost in South Africa/ iStock

South Africans are struggling to make ends meet. 

Many live below the poverty line. 

Electricity, along with food and water, is also a necessity. However, its high cost continues to be a pain for many citizens. 

Despite the high cost, Eskom is proposing a 40% tariff increase. 

READ: DA to protest against electricity price hikes

Here are smart ways to manage your electricity usage: 

  • Switch off unused items. 
  • This includes switching off lights when you don't need them and switching off wall appliances. 
  • Turn down your geyser temperature to 60%. 
  • Shower instead of bathing. Filling the bath requires a lot more hot water. 
  • Install an energy and water-efficient showerhead. 
  • Store hot water in a flask so you don't need to heat it up every time you need it. 
  • Prepare food towards eating time to avoid having to reheat the food. 
  • Match the size of your pot to the size of the stove plate. 

READ: Debt Rescue: 46% of South Africans can’t afford basic needs

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