Delicious pasta and chicken recipe

Recipe: Delicious pasta and chicken dish

Make dinner special with this scrumptious pasta and chicken dish!

Pasta and chicken plate
Pasta and chicken plate/ Instagram

Dinner doesn't have to be dull and boring!

A nice meal can change the atmosphere and leave your family feeling full and satisfied. 

If you aim to please, then this scrumptious pasta and chicken dish is for you. 

It will leave your family members licking their fingers and begging for more. 

READ: Recipe: Simple and yummy cucumber salsa



Chicken strips



Green, red, and yellow pepper

Crushed garlic

Baby baby tomatoes

Tomato paste



Mixed herbs


Par-boil the pasta with a little bit of salt and oil. Set aside. 

Fry chicken strips. 

Add onion and peppers.

Add baby tomatoes. 

Add tomato paste. 

Add pasta. 

Season with salt, pepper, and mixed herbs. 


READ: A dietitian's guide to a healthy school lunchbox

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