Five yummy overnight oatmeal recipes

Five yummy overnight oatmeal recipes

There is no need to worry about making breakfast every morning. You can prepare these delicious oatmeal recipes the night before.

Oatmeal with strawberries and milk

January is oatmeal month. So it's time to celebrate the humble oat!

We love oatmeal for a variety of reasons. 

READ: Five things you can make using oats

Oats are healthy grains and are a popular breakfast food, as they keep you fuller for longer.

According to the wholegrain council, oats have the following benefits:

- It can help lower bad cholesterol and control blood pressure.

- It has Beta-glucan, a soluble fiber which has been proven to suppress appetite and help promote gut health.

- Oats also have compounds called polyphenols which have strong antioxidant, anti-itching, and anti-inflammatory properties, potentially reducing the effects of chronic inflammation.

Now that you know all these great benefits of oats, let’s look at how you can enjoy eating them. 

The good thing about oatmeal is that it can be cooked in water or milk and still be delicious. However, if you enjoy having a variety of flavours, you can add several things to make it taste even more delicious. 

Some people enjoy eating it with syrup or honey. Others add strawberries or bananas. Peanut butter is also an option.

But how does one prepare oats the night before?

The recipes below are courtesy of The Cooking Foodie vlogger and will save you loads of time in the morning:

READ: Five things you can make using oats

Image courtesy of iStock/ Arx0nt

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