To toot or not to toot – what happens when you hold in gas?

To toot or not to toot – what happens when you hold in gas?

If you knew what happens when you hold in your farts, you'd probably stop holding them in right away!

Man wearing a pink shirt covers his mouth with his hands
File photo: iStock

Fart, toot, poot, gas, wind, or flatulence – whatever you call it, don’t hold it in, at least not for too long.

Many people feel embarrassed passing gas, especially in front of a partner or in public spaces like the workplace. Instead, they try to hold it in until they're alone or can make it to a bathroom. 

A post doing the rounds on social media claims that holding in gas could lead to a "mouth fart".

We all know the uncomfortable effects of keeping gas in – bloatedness, discomfort, pain, and even nausea.

But here's the kicker: something a little more disgusting can also happen. The gas may end up in your mouth! While it might sound surprising, researchers have long been aware of this phenomenon.

According to Healthline, research shows that your body can reabsorb some of this gas into your bloodstream, and it may be released later when you exhale.

Why do we fart?

According to a 2018 report in The Conversation, "men and women produced about the same amount of gas and averaged eight flatus episodes (individual or a series of farts) over 24 hours".

Certain foods make you gassier than others. Dairy products like milk and cheese – especially if you're lactose intolerant – are common culprits.

Sugary, processed, fried, fatty foods, as well as carbonated drinks, also contribute. Fruits high in fructose and cruciferous vegetables can leave you feeling gassy, too.

But there's no need to cut out all this food from your diet, as farting is natural. 

"Farts are your body’s way of releasing gas that builds up due to swallowed air, the digestive process, and other factors," Healthline reports.

If you're concerned about excessive farting that often includes serious pain and smells unbearable, it is best to seek advice from your doctor.

Disclaimer: Health-related information provided in this article is not a substitute for medical advice and should not be used to diagnose or treat health problems. It is always advisable to consult with your doctor on any health-related issues.




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