Long queues on voting day? Here are some solutions...

Long queues on voting day? Here are solutions...

Here is how you can make waiting in line to vote go quicker!

Flag off South Africa and check mark
Flag off South Africa and check mark / iStock

On Wednesday, 29 May 2024, millions of South Africans will be casting their votes to elect a party they believe will bring better service delivery.

The Bill of Rights in South Africa states that all citizens aged 18 and older have the right to vote. 

Your vote is also your secret. No one should intimidate you into voting for any party and you have a right not to disclose which party you voted for. 

One of the things many people dread is standing in queues for hours just to cast their vote. This can even discourage some from voting. However, it shouldn't. 

Ensure you are at the right station

To avoid standing in a long queue only to be told your name does not appear on the list of names of the national common voters' roll for the district, ensure that you head to the right voting station. 

You can check which district you are registered at here

READ: IEC: Higher turnout of overseas voters in 2024

Get to the voting station as soon as possible

Voting stations are open from 07:00 to 21:00. The sooner you arrive at the station and stand in the queue, the better your chances of finishing earlier. 

Carry essentials with you 

Ensure that your ID is with you to avoid going back home or to the car to get your belongings. 

Also, carry things such as water and fruit to avoid the need to buy things while at the station due to thirst or hunger. 

READ: South African elections: First-time voter guide

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