Latest pineapple craze is helping singles find love

Latest pineapple craze is helping singles find love

Are you looking for love? Maybe you should try this latest trend...

Inverted pineapple stands
Inverted pineapple stands / iStock

Finding love is not always easy. 

This is why over the years, many methods have been developed to help people to find love. 

Statista reports that in 2023, the number of online dating service users worldwide surpassed 381-million. 

READ: Poland seizes cocaine worth $760 mn in pineapple pulp

The latest craze involves a pineapple. 

People in different parts of the world have been trying out a new trend that is aimed at helping them find love. 

The trend has to do with going to a store that sells pineapples. You then pick a pineapple and place it upside down in the trolley.

The hopeful single will then head to the wine aisle. She/he will look for someone who has a pineapple placed in the same upside down position. 

If the person looks appealing, then she/he will bump the trolley against them. This is a sign that he/she is interested. 

If the person is also interested, he/she will also bump into the other single's trolley. 

This will be an indication that the two can chat and begin to explore the possibility of forming a relationship. 

The trend went so viral that one store in Bilbao, northern Spain, was so packed that police had to be called. 

READ: Life Hack with J Sbu: How to cut a pineapple properly

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Image courtesy of iStock/ @vladimir soldatov

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