Top tips for treating dry skin

Four top tips for treating dry skin

Trying to treat dry skin can be challenging. Here are top tips from an expert...

Woman touching her face
Woman touching her face / iStock

Dry skin is common and can make a person feel uncomfortable if the right products are not used.

According to Healthline, age, medical history, the season, and bathing habits may lead to dry skin. However, others have naturally dry skin. 

Many people who struggle with dry skin will experience scaling, itching, and cracking.

Using the right products is key. 

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Bonolo Shuping, a skin care therapist, says people should avoid using lots of creams. 

“To treat dry skin, some people tend to use a lot of oil, a lot of cream, but it won’t do much," says Bonolo. 

The expert says serums are a better option to address dry skin. 

"What is important is a good serum and a good cleanser, because it balances the hydration in your skin,” says Bonolo. 

She adds that the key is getting a good cleanser that consists of salicylic.

“Salicylic helps to shrink the pores. It basically does what a toner would do, should you decide not to use a toner,” says Bonolo. 

The expert warns against using toners that have a “lot of alcohol”. She says it is best to use a conditioner. 

“Serums would differ according to our different skin types. I would suggest people use serums that have Hyaluronic Acid. Hyaluronic Acid is good water that nourishes your skin. It gives you a radiant look because it keeps the moisture in between the layers of your skin.”  

Treatment for dry skin varies based on what caused the condition. It is advisable to seek professional help to get the correct treatment plan for you.

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