Elections 2024: Four compelling reasons to vote

Four compelling reasons to vote

Are you one of those who was contemplating not voting? Here are four reasons why you should rethink that decision...

Vote Concept
Vote Concept/ iStock

Special voting in South Africa has already begun, and the general elections will take place on Wednesday, 29 May 2024. 

South Africa is a democratic country that has been enjoying freedom since 1994, however, with corruption being such a big thorn, some citizens have expressed frustration over voting. 

If you are one of those contemplating not voting, here are four compelling reasons why you should consider changing your mind. 

READ: IEC: Higher turnout of overseas voters in 2024

It's a right many people died for

On 27 April 1994, South Africa held its first all-race elections. For many years, under the apartheid system, black South Africans were not allowed to vote.

Before that, many citizens were brutally killed in the fight for democracy. 

By voting, you make their efforts count. Taking the right for granted is a slap in the face for the many who gave their lives for you to be able to vote.  

Your vote makes a difference

Democracy is made possible by those who choose to make their voice count through voting. Your vote can put the party you believe in into power. 

It can bring change in terms of service delivery. 

Your vote affects the future of your country 

The future of the country depends on citizens exercising their democratic rights, which includes voting.

The only way there would be a change in the country when it comes to service delivery, healthcare, unemployment, etc. is if citizens vote. 

Your money counts 

The party in power affects where your money as a taxpayer goes. Voting allows you to have a chance to direct where your money goes .

READ: South African elections: First-time voter guide

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