John Travolta's top five songs

John Travolta's top five songs

 Listen out for John Travolta’s biggest classics from 'Grease' as we celebrate his 68th birthday on Friday. 

Go, Greased Lightning, go
Go, Greased Lightning, go/ Supplied

John Travolta turns 68 this Friday, 18 February. 

Travolta dropped out of school at the age of 16 to pursue an acting career, and he has been living his dream ever since. 

The American teen icon, actor, and singer gained popularity after appearing on productions such as 'Carrie', 'Saturday Night Fever', 'Grease', and 'Urban Cowboy'.

Apart from acting, the star released top charting hits.

READ: John Travolta says dancing with Princess Diana felt like a fairy tale

His success on 'Grease' is summed up by the classic, 'You’re the One That I Want' featuring Olivia Newton-John. 

The hit, alongside 'Summer Nights', grossed millions. 

Celebrate his birthday by going down memory lane with some of his best songs. 

READ: John Travolta's famous dance moves

Summer Nights

You're The One That I Want

We Go Together


Greased Lightning

Listen out for John Travolta’s biggest classics from 'Grease' on the 18th with Gordon Graham, Dave Guselli, and Damon Beard.

Meanwhile, if you're a Diana Ross fan, take part in our poll below. We're planning a Diana Ross feature day soon!

For loads of fantastic 60s, 70s, and 80s classics, listen to East Coast Gold via the ECR app or here. We’re also on platforms like Alexa (just enable the ‘East Coast Gold’ skill) MyTuner, Radio Garden;, Radioline and OpenRadio.

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