Would you win? European village gears up for 'Laziest Citizen' competition

Would you win? European village gears up for 'Laziest Citizen' competition

A competition to see who can out-lazy their fellow participants? And there's a cash prize? Where do we sign up?!

Illustration of man on a red couch
File photo: iStock/lemono

Laziness is often frowned upon, but your penchant for exerting as little effort as possible could help you win a competition. 

A resort village in Montenegro is gearing up for its annual 'Laziest Citizen' competition. The contest, which usually takes place in Brezna in August, is currently in its 13th edition. 

The competition was created to mock a Balkan stereotype that residents of Montenegro are lazy. They decided to show just how lazy they could be by participating in the unusual contest.

To out-lazy fellow competitors, you must lie on a mat for as long as possible. Participants can use their phones and other devices to keep themselves entertained. They can also read a book

However, they cannot sit or stand during the contest, except for a 15-minute toilet break every eight hours. They also receive three meals a day. 

While most participants are just happy to be crowned the winner, there is a cash prize. The amount has changed over the years but last year's prize was 1000 euros.  

The 2023 'Laziest Citizen' competition set a new record. The eventual winners, Lidija Marković and Filip Knežević - both 23 - lasted an unbelievable 50 days. 

"It's not about the money. My parents come every day and beg me to stand up, they offer to give me the thousand euros, but of course I'm not here for the that. I'm here to win. An of course this is a psychological game, therefore I stress, it's not about the money," Lidija said three weeks into the competition, according to GlobalVoices. 

The previous record was five days, or 117 hours, to be exact. 

ALSO READ:  ECR’s top five lazy dinner recipes for one


We're not sure if 2024's competitors will be able to beat Lidija and Filip's record, but don't underestimate a lazy person's ability to do absolutely nothing for long periods of time! 

Do you think you can "lounge around" on a mat for 50 days in a bid to be crowned 'Laziest Citizen'? Don't forget to vote in the poll above. 

ALSO READ: Say what? Couple divorce after just three minutes of marriage


Competition to find the laziest person in the world.

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Main image credit: iStock/lemono

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