WATCH: Kayaker freaked out by something lurking in the water

WATCH: Kayaker freaked out by something lurking in the water

Fearful moments truly last forever....

The fear that if you can't swim then you will definitely drown in the water
Kayaker freaked out by something lurking in the water/Twitter/@killmesIime

A viral video has been making the rounds of a man in his kayak who gets frightened by what appears to be a crocodile bumping him into the water. 

The fear of the unknown, that something is in the water as he is rowing the kayak didn't bother him one bit until it appeared right before him. 

The silence throughout would have anyone in a state of panic, shock or even terror. 

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Fear is one of the six universal emotions. The other universal emotions are; Anger, Disgust, Surprise, Happiness, and Contempt. These are the emotions everyone at some point experiences. 

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The video shows all kinds of emotions anybody in that situation would be feeling. Imagine you were the man in that kayak? What would your emotions truly be? 

Hearing that silence haunting you throughout the lake must've brought fear to anyone watching that viral video. That's why you must face your fears head on and not be afraid to fail or to make a mistake along your journey.

New York Times bestselling author Ruth Soukup says that fear shows up in all kinds of shapes or forms. People don't all experience them in the same way, as we all experience things in our own unique way. 

There must be that one thing that you fear the most? PM us at DarrenKeriSky on Facebook to let us know your thoughts. 

Read more: Elderly man drowns in Umzimkhulu River

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