The most outrageous excuses you can use to get out of a situation

The most outrageous excuses you can use to get out of a situation

Ever been in that awkward situation where your friends invite you over for dinner but you just ain't feeling it, so you make up some lame excuse to get out of it? You wouldn't believe how creative this team is when it comes to excuses...

woman liar Pinocchio long nose lies

We've all had a time where we've made a promise to be somewhere, but we change our mind last minute, right?

That's where your bag of excuses comes in! Here are some of the most outrageous excuses the team has used before:

Guilty of telling a fib too and now you've run out of excuses? Never fear, we've got a list for you!

Here are some of the craziest excuses that you can use:

  1.  "I do not usually go out on days that end with the letters "day". Sorry, personal preference."
  2. "My hamster needs a good washing! He was playing with the pigs in the mud today. Stupid hamster!"
  3. "I just put a casserole in the oven."
  4. "My false teeth flew out of the window while I was driving on the highway."
  5. "My cat has the hiccups."

We're not too sure if anyone would ever believe you, but it's worth a shot, right?

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