Man kills neighbour who constantly asked why he isn't married

Man kills neighbour who constantly asked why he isn't married

The 45-year-old man told police that the neighbour repeatedly taunted him about being single. 

Indonesian bride and groom holding hands
File photo: iStock/Hendra Kosasih

An Indonesian man is facing a murder charge after he allegedly killed his neighbour for constantly asking him why he isn't married at 45.

According to local reports, Parlindungan Siregar stormed into the home of 60-year-old Asgim Irianto at around 8pm. He was wielding a piece of wood.  

Parlindungan allegedly started beating the retired civil servant without warning. Asgim tried to flee the home but only made it as far as the street, where Parlindungan reportedly struck him in the head.

The man fell to the floor. Parlindungan allegedly continued to beat the man and only stopped when residents came to his rescue. 

They rushed him to a local health centre. Unfortunately, it was too late for the man, who died before he could even arrive. 

Parlindungan was arrested within one hour of the incident. He reportedly confessed to the crime and gave police an interesting motive. 

“He was determined to beat Mr Asgim to death because of the frequent taunts about his single status," Assistant Police Commissioner Maria Marpaung said, according to the Independent.  


What came first: the chicken or the egg?

The gruesome attack, which occurred in northern Sumatra on July 29, was not the first time the two neighbours had a dispute. 

They reportedly also argued about their chickens going into each other's coops. 

News of Asgim's death came shortly after two other Indonesian men made headlines over a deadly dispute. 

A man reportedly killed his friend over an argument about a well-known riddle. Things got heated between the men, who were enjoying a drink, debated what came first, the chicken or the egg? 

The victim tried to leave when the argument started, but his so-called friend chased him down on a bike. He stabbed the victim 15 times with a dagger. 

The suspect has since been arrested. 

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Main image credit: iStock/Hendra Kosasih

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