Massive black mamba in Durban gives Nick a run for his money

Massive black mamba in Durban gives Nick a run for his money

Nick Evans really doesn’t like it when he’s contacted to rescue a snake, and he can’t locate it. This is what happened on a call-out to Reservoir Hills, north west of Durban, where a huge resident black mamba had been spotted.

Massive black mamba in Durban gives Nick a run for his money
Nick Evans

“I've never thought of myself as competitive, but I guess when it comes to rescuing snakes, I am! I get so determined because I know if I don't find it, there's a chance the snake will eventually get killed. Or, perhaps, a dog or person could be bitten.

“I was frustrated on this morning - when I could not locate the large resident black mamba on a property at Reservoir Hills.

Massive tree where mamba was living

“But later that same day, when it was seen again, I was determined to find it and take it to a safer place,” says Nick.

Listen to the exciting story, from start to finish, in episode 5 of Snake Rescue below.

Massive black mamba in Durban gives Nick a run for his money
Nick Evans
Massive black mamba in Durban gives Nick a run for his money
Nick Evans

Meanwhile, in the thick of mamba mating season, a Durban man saw a black mamba slithering into his bedroom. Little did he know, it wasn't just one black mamba, but a happy couple. Two on honeymoon in his Inanda house!

Find out what went down with this rescue by listening to episode 4 of Snake Rescue.

Nick's organisation KwaZulu-Natal Amphibian and Reptile Conservation is chapter of The Lawrence Anthony Earth Organization.

Contact Nick on 072 809 5806 for snake removals. Email him if you's like to find out about his educational talks.

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