Shock! Horror! You may be cooking beef mince meat incorrectly

Shock! Horror! You may be cooking beef mince meat incorrectly

This video proves that many people have been cooking mince the wrong way this whole time. And before you roll your eyes and say your way still tastes good, this method could make it even tastier! 

Raw mince meat on a baking sheet
File photo: iStock/Enez Selvi

Beef mince meat is a favourite in many homes. Its versatility means it can be included in many dishes. There's mince meat and rice, curried mince and roti, Shepherd's Pie, and even a delicious pasta and mince pizza

Despite being a staple, many people have been cooking minced meat, or ground beef as it is also called, incorrectly. Well, that's according to TikTok user Alex.  

He shared a video on his page, @cookslasheat, that shows how to cook beef mince meat correctly. 

"Every time I see someone cooking something with minced meat, I am literally horrified," he said. The cooking content creator says most people do not brown their minced meat long enough. By not doing this, they are actually missing out on a lot of flavour. 

"The point of browning your meat before you add your veg, or whatever you're putting in, is to introduce something called the Maillard reaction," he explained. 

ALSO READ: Social media users react to video of baby eating raw meat

According to Serious Eats, "The Maillard reaction is many small, simultaneous chemical reactions that occur when proteins and sugars in and on your food are transformed by heat, producing new flavours, aromas, and colours."

Alex says the sugars and the meats will caramelise during the process and deepen the flavours.  

If your mince looks like grey boiled meat before you add your other ingredients, then you are missing out on that extra flavour. 

"Flavour is not a race, people. It's loving crafted," Alex said. 

These are the tips he suggests for cooking beef mince meat: 

  1. Start with a medium-hot pan.
  2. Throw in your mince and break it up as you normally would.
  3. Let your mince go for slightly longer past the grey-looking phase, rendering out the fat. 
  4. Continue to brown the mince until it picks up little brown flecks. Don't worry about overcooking. Mince meat is made with tough meat cuts.
  5. Now is the perfect time to throw in your extra ingredients. 

Alex's video has been watched more than two-million times on TikTok, and he may be on to something. Several cooks and chefs also suggest doing the same. 

Marion's Kitchen said: "I don’t touch it at all for 5 or 6 minutes, giving it time to really sizzle and become coloured, crusty and golden. A good giveaway that it’s had time to char and get delicious is when things start to smell like hamburger patties cooking." 

Watch Alex's video below. 

ALSO READ: Man addicted to raw meat refuses to stop despite doctor’s warning


How to cook ground beef the correct way for literally any dish. Please do this you will thank me

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Main image credit: iStock/Enez Selvi

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