Flexible work hours and salaries create shift in the workforce

Flexible work hours and salaries create shift in the workforce

It seems work-from-home and remote work is here to stay...

Man using a laptop in the comfort of his home
Man using a laptop in the comfort of his home/Pexels/@nappy

As businesses push employees to return to the office full-time, they have noticed a pushback from employees accustomed to their work-from-home setups. 

One of the key findings of the Talent Trends report for 2024 revealed that employers are noticing that more and more employees are looking for "flexible work and work-from-home arrangements" in their jobs. 

Many employees have found comfort in flexible working hours while working from home. They can plan around managing their families and lifestyles. 

"The report, based on a global survey of 50,000 respondents in 37 countries, including South Africa, gauges how the employment landscape has shifted so far this year, and what drives talent trends in professional industries." (Business Tech)

One trend revealed that employees are becoming restless in their jobs and are likely to actively search for new jobs in the next six months. 

In addition to flexible working hours and working from home, salary is a big driver for employees to change jobs.

"About one-third of those who said they are seeking a new role consider a higher salary to be an essential motivating factor behind the move, and it’s also one of the key priorities when accepting a new position," Michael Page from Professional Recruiting told Business Tech

Even though businesses were forced to adapt to work-from-home arrangements during the pandemic, employees resonated with this type of work-life arrangement long after the need for it became apparent.

Hence, there is resistance from employees who have revealed that returning to the office was not a choice but a company policy change. The study showed that 'job hunters expect hybrid practices to be clearly outlined – these are prioritised in both job searches and when considering whether to stay in current roles'. (Business Tech)

The question is, who will win in this battle of the workplace/work-from-home saga?

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Image Courtesy of Pexels

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