Clawing back from a life of crime: Clement's story

Clawing back from a life of crime: Clement's story

In 1996, Clement Ntuli had the world at his feet. He was a final year drama student at the then University of Natal; he had promising prospects for work beyond varsity and he was a confident and happy-go-lucky young man.

living positively hiv clement body

That all changed in an instant when a routine blood donation resulted in him being told, bluntly and without any counselling, that his blood could no longer be accepted as he was HIV-positive.

Read - Living Positively with HIV: Craig shares his story

That moment is etched in Clement's mind. He remembers it like it was yesterday, because it started his downward spiral into alcohol, drugs, and ultimately a life of crime. 

Clement, now 42 and living in the Durban area, says the day he was put into Westville Prison for armed robbery was probably the day that saved his life. 

Read: Living Positively with HIV: Nomfundo shares her story

Watch Clement's truly remarkable life story - as told by our East Coast TV team.

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