Aww! Dog finds a dead kitten on the road and makes hearts melt with its actions

Aww! Dog finds a dead kitten on the road and makes hearts melt with its actions

A dog burying a kitten on the side of the road, away from a busy street - will leave paw prints on your heart.

dog burying a kitten
Screenshot: Facebook:

The dog was walking with its owner when he stopped and refused to move. His owner Pidong Borromeo, continued to walk but realised his dog was not behind him.

He turned around to find his dog picking up the dead kitten in his mouth. Pidong knew something incredible was about to happen, so he recorded it. Unfortunately, it's not an uncommon sight to find dead strays on the roadside due to the many lives lost on the roadway in Naga, Philippines 

Also read: How skateboarding lessons are saving the lives of dogs

The dog then carried the little kitten to a quiet corner and began to dig a hole whilst still holding the kitten in his mouth, until the hole was big enough he placed the kitten in the hole and covered it.

Isn't that adorable? 

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