COVID-19: Wedding association takes govt to court

COVID-19: Wedding association takes govt to court

An association representing professional wedding planners in South Africa is taking government to court as they want to get back into business. 

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Since lockdown began, weddings have been prohibited without the option of accommodating a maximum of 50 people at a time. 

READ: Adjusted Level 3 regulations published: Here's what you need to know

Jurie Smit for the Association of Weddings in South Africa says weddings are no different from churches and restaurants. 

He says the same regulations should also apply in the wedding industry.

"We as the association, need to get the government to reopen the wedding industry. 

"The amount of employment lost at the moment, the amount of businesses closing at the moment in the wedding industry is astronomical. We just can't keep going on as it is at the moment."

NOW READ: South Africa hits world's top ten for Covid-19 cases

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