Economist says spend wisely this Black Friday

Economist says spend wisely this Black Friday

If you know that Black Friday's going to burn a hole in your pocket - the advice from an economist is to think carefully before you spend. 

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Laura Campbell says budgets often go out the window at this time of year. She says many consumers are already struggling and shouldn't be taken on additional debt.

"Consumers in South Africa remain characterised by high levels of debt. Consumers are going to use the opportunity to purchase goods and get themselves into more debt then it's certainly not a win for consumers. The household debt to disposable income ratio is very high at 73%," she says. 

READ: How to be a smart shopper on Black Friday

On a separate note, Campbell says things have been looking up recently for retail sales in the country.

"We've seen retail sales growth in the past two months being quite strong. That has been aided by low inflation in the domestic economy. That trend is likely to continue into November given that Black Friday is gaining popularity in South Africa," she says.

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