Big Favour: Donate to Do More Foundation and make a difference

Big Favour: Donate to Do More Foundation and make a difference

Be a part of something truly special and support the Do More Foundation’s mission to provide vital nutrition to children who need it most.

Do More Friday
Do More Friday/ ecr

We believe in the power of community and the impact we can make when we come together for a common cause. We’re thrilled to announce our collaboration with the Do More Foundation (DMF) for a heartwarming campaign that promises to make a significant difference in the lives of South Africa’s young children.

About DoMoreFriday

This campaign is more than just a fundraising effort—it’s a movement of 'doers, movers, and shakers' who are passionate about improving the lives of children in need.

By participating in DoMoreFriday, you’re contributing to a cause that will provide a year’s worth of nutritious DoMore Porridge to a young child at one of DMF’s Early Childhood Development (ECD) centres. This porridge isn’t just a meal; it’s a lifeline that supports the growth and development of young minds, helping to ensure they start their educational journey on a solid foundation.

Why Your Support Matters

The impact of your contribution goes far beyond just providing meals. Every donation helps to create a ripple effect of positivity and opportunity. With each R2000 raised, DMF can supply 240 nourishing meals. Imagine the difference that makes in a child’s life over the course of a year! Nutritious food is crucial for young children, affecting their overall health, concentration, and ability to learn effectively.

How You Can Help

We encourage you to contribute to this noble cause and be a part of something truly special. Your donation will directly support the Do More Foundation’s mission to provide vital nutrition to children who need it most.

Ready to Make a Difference?

To donate, simply make an EFT to the following banking details:

Bank: First National Bank
Branch: Gateway
Account Number: 622 224 28337
Reference: Do More Friday 


Thank you for your support and for being a part of this heartwarming journey with us. Let’s stand together and make a positive impact. 

Make sure to catch the Big Favour every Wednesday just after 7am. Caring for those who are in need.



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Main image attribution: ECR

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