21 Big Favours for 21 Years of Gateway
Updated | By East Coast Radio
Gateway has partnered up with the Big Favour to make a difference in the community!

This September, Gateway is celebrating their 21st birthday by giving back to KZN… 21 times!
Together with their retailers, Gateway has teamed up with Big Favour and Darren, Keri, and Sky to lend a hand and uplift the KZN community.
From Friday the 2nd of September until Friday the 30th of September, Gateway and their stores will be sponsoring 21 Big Favours for those in need.
Tune in to Darren, Keri, and Sky from 6am until 9am.
Welcome to another special edition of The Big Favour with Darren, Keri, and Sky, in partnership with Gateway.

DAY 21: Road runners in desperate need of help from the Big Favour
Name: Ishara Dhanraj
Sponsor: Dheshnee Moodley, Admin Manager of La Parada Gateway
Hi there, my name is Ishara and I'd like to ask for a Big Favour.
My husband has been unemployed for 3 years.
This was due to the Covid-19 pandemic that had us in a struggle all over the world.
This has made it difficult for us to meet our expenses.
We would appreciate any help in settling our bills for utilities, groceries, etc.
We are also runners so this includes running gear.
Please help us if you can as we're really desperate.
Kind regards

DAY 20: The Big Favour comes to the aid of bread winner Rachel
Name: Rachel Wallace
Sponsor: Rob Howse, Owner of Mugg & Bean Gateway
Hi my name is Rachel and I really need a BIG favour.
You see the thing is, I've been struggling a lot.
I'm the only one trying to keep the household up as my husband is very sick.
Another thing is that I can't get a job.
Not to mention that I'm three months behind with my rent. Which is not good as the land owners are tired of talking to us every time about it.
Plus I've got a daughter who is still in school so yes things are very difficult for us.
I just need some help with food and I really want my husband to get a job.
Could you please assist us with a Big Favour.
Me and my family would appreciate this a lot.
Best wishes

DAY 19: Cancer survivor asks the Big Favour to spoil parents after sacrificing everything to save her
Name: Emma-Liegh Riggien
Sponsor: Terry Dale, Head of Marketing- Edgars
Good day,
I hope you are all well.
Today I would like to nominate my mom and dad, Philip & Debbie Riggien.
In 2009, I was diagnosed with cancer and my mom and dad had me on the best medical plan.
They did everything possible to make sure I got the treatment I needed.
In 2010, I was placed in remission. Also in the same year, I had an elbow replacement that cost my parent about R45000 out of their own pocket.
My parents are the best parents to my sister, brother, and I. They have always ensured we are set, even now that we are much older and not living at home.
My mom is dedicated to Rainbows & Smiles, an organization that helps families whose kids' have cancer.
My mom does multiple hospital visits and bonds with the children and sometimes, sadly, she has to grieve their loss.
My dad is the best support system for my mom and will always help her where it's needed.
My parent rarely do anything to spoil themselves and I just want them to feel pampered and spoilt for one day.
Whether it be a spa day, a little shopping spree (mom rarely spoils herself, always everyone before her)
My parents deserve this.
Thank you for your time.

DAY 18: Family asks The Big Favour to desperately turn their fortunes around.
Name: Rachael Benjiman
Sponsor: Carra Jakobi, Store Manager at Woolworths Gateway
Good day, I'd like to take this opportunity to ask for a big favour on behalf of my neigbour.
This is my neighbour Nancy and they have lost their home due to her husband not working.
They moved out to their daughters house and its so sad as I've just heard that Mathew, who is the son in law has no job as well.
In total, the 4 people from Nancy's side of the family plus the 6 people from Matthew's side of the family brings together 10 people.
There are 4 children that are going to school.
They finding it very difficult to survive.
Children can't go to school at times because the reason is there's no lunch is being given.
Please help this family who are in a desperate situation.
Best wishes.

DAY 17: Neighbor pulls in The Big Favour to rescue family from flooding situation
Name: Farzana Naidoo
Sponsor: Kenneth Hadebe, Provincial Manager at Old Mutual Finance Money Account
I would like to nominate my neighbor for the Big Favor.
The reason is because they lost everything during the April 2022 floods.
They reside in Tongaat and 2 months before the floods, their son cancelled their home insurance without informing them.
My neighbors are a couple that are already in financial difficulties and are unable to get back on their feet.
They lost all their appliances and furniture.
They sleep on the floor in the lounge and the car they had got damaged due to the floods.
Please Big Favour, can you help them.
If you are able to would really appreciate it.
Best wishes

DAY 16: Single mother trying to bake her child through school
Name: Buthelezi Sithembile Gugulethu Rosemary
Sponsor: Kenneth Hadebe, Provincial Manager at Old Mutual Finance Money Account
I would like to nominate myself for this Big Favour.
I bake for a living a single mother of two.
Last year I lost my dad due to covid 19.
He was my sponsor and now its hard I don't get as much profit as before.
I'm struggling to get these baking ingredients.
If I happen to get an order I will use all the money to buy ingredients and be left with nothing.
Please help me provide for my children,
Thank you

DAY 15: Superhero Aunt asks Big Favour to bring joy back to her nephew and niece.
Name: Asha Devnath
Sponsor: Sabeeha Hassim, Marketing Manager of BraziliaDesigner Shoe Outlet
Hello. I would like to nominate my 14 year old nephew and his sister of 11 years of age.
They lost their dad last year to covid-19 at age of 45.
With in 10 months of that grief they lost their mom as well.
She was the victim of the shooting in Duffs road back in May.
The kids are now orphans.
I would request wholeheartedly to Big Favour to give these kids a day out filled with fun and excitement.
They miss their parents. They need to be spoilt again.
Feel wanted, loved and support from people. They need to understand and know that they are not alone.
I can't afford to do this for them on my own. My husband has been sick and unemployed since February.
I wish I had the money to do this for them.
PLEASE help me. It would mean a lot to these kids.
Kind regards,

DAY 14: Friend asks The Big Favour to help bring stability back to the Reddy family.
Name: Talia Thompson
Sponsor: Amit Gopal, he's the Operations Manager at Gopals Bags & Luggage
Hi, I would like to nominate Kerusha and Sham Reddy for The Big Favour.
They're a family of 4. There's Kerusha, Sham and the other 2 kids aged 5 and 9 years old.
Both parents have been struggling to find a job, Kerusha has not been working since 2019.
Sham lost his job due to Covid-19, he then became in Yo Taxi driver he recently became jobless when the owner of the vehicle decided to move out of Durban.
Since then I have been helping support with food items when and where I can.
Read more: Single mom of three had nothing to contribute for kids' school needs...
The last few months have been hard on them, job hunting, making sure they keep the roof over their heads and being there for their kids.
My heart goes out to them, they have remained strong through all this and they are keeping their heads up for their kids, they have managed to keep their older daughter in school despite all this.
Their son turned 5 years old in August but due to their current situation they were not able to celebrate.
I would like them to either get a job if possible.
Sham has experience as driver and Kerusha in Finance Admin.
If they
can get help with food hampers to keep them going until they are stable with
jobs or any help in anyway.

DAY 13: Spaza shop owner receives a major lifeline from The Big Favour
Name: Kathleen Moodley
Sponsor: Sumaya Sulaiman owner of Jimmys Killer Prawns & Calisto’s
Good day, I would like to nominate my husband Asif Khan for the big favour.
He runs a Spaza shop 7 days a week from 6am to 8pm everyday.
He does not get a break to enjoy time, rest or even take a breather.
Asif works very hard to ensure his family has what they need.
He assists the community by running the spaza shop as they do not need to go out to buy daily groceries or bread and etc.
I've always wanted to gift him a relaxing spa day or some time for himself.
However, its not the case as we are always busy, please can you make my big favour moment to give my husband a day of relaxation.
Its my way to say thank you for everything he does for our family and for the community.
Best wishes

DAY 12: Kevin seeks help from The Big Favour after covid-19 strikes business down
Name: Kevin Groenewald
Sponsor: Beverley Dias, Brand Manager at THE HUB
Hi, my name is Keven and I need a big favor.
Me and my partner are currently living in a room, where we have nothing except a bed and our personal belongings.
I once had a business and things were going good u til the pandemic of Covid-19 happened.
We lost all our possessions in 2019 due to our business closing.
I got a temp job in the meanwhile but the income there is not enough for me and my partner to live on.
We are now trying to get back on track but its proving to be very difficult.
Please can some help.

DAY 11: Winnie goes all out to try and help elder woman receive The Big Favour
Name: Tlou Winnifred Lekalakala
Sponsor: Roxanne Carter who is part of Marketing at Nandos
My name is Winni and I'm a single mom who moved from Limpopo to KwaZulu-Natal due to work.
I have a lady that takes care of my child when she's not going to school.
She only comes in when I need her to come in but she's unemployed and only gets piece jobs here and there.
The old lady is from Hammansdale and I can't afford to hire her full time as I'm also not earning much.
She was affected by the floods, lost her house which she was staying with her kids and her sisters.
I tried getting donations from work and gave her some of my blankets but without proper employment its difficult.
The elderly woman got one shelter that they all sharing and it has absolutely nothing inside.
Any help would be really appreciated, old furniture for donation and a job maybe if possible.
She's very good with kids, cleaning and doing house chores, cleaning and all of those things.
Thank you

DAY 10: Through pain and suffering, the Big Favour steps in to help Khululiwe
Name: Khululiwe Princess Masango
Sponsor: Angie Perumal, Marketing representative of PNS
Hi East Coast Radio, my name is Khululiwe.
I'm currently staying with my family.
The situation is bad at home right now.
My mom and siblings are not working, I'm the only one who has to support the family.
We only surviving with the grant money. .
Most of the time we ask our neighbors to give us food, it's so embarrassing.
I actually went as far as going to the bins to pick up tins, glass bottles and other things so that I can exchange them for money.
Life has been so tough and especially since we've had the floods hit our neighborhood.
I wish I can get someone to donate a fridge so that I can sell ice cream and other stuff.
My dream is to one day have an ice-cream business to raise money for me and my family.
I can use that money to further my studies and able to buy food for my family.
Thank you for hearing me out.

DAY 9: Big Favour comes to the rescue for struggling family
Nominee: Merrilee Sayers
Sponsor: David Mthembu, store manager at JetGateway
I am a doctor working in a government hospital in Durban KZN and yesterday I met a beautiful lady in her twenties.
Young and intelligent with the world at her feet but so much tragedy had passed through her life.
This is a her story. She brought in her sister's disabled son for his follow up visit. She had taken over his care when his mother had decided to abandon both him and his twin sister.
During the recent floods, she and her middle aged mother were living in an informal settlement in Lindelani and had been asleep with 5 children between ages of 3 and 10 on mattresses on the floor.
When they had been woken they were in the middle of water, mud and debris.
The children had been swept away together with all their belongs, the mother was able to pull out the disabled boy. The young lady was able to save another child . However they lost 3 other children.
Among those was the twin boy and her own 3 year old daughter as well as another sister's child age 10 years old.
All belongings including every evidence of her daughters existence were gone from her birth certificate, her photos, even my patients phone with videos and pictures of her daughter.
They were able to find the bodies of two of the children and bury them but her daughters 3 year old body was not found.
Even though she lost everything, this brave young lady keeps herself together and still takes care of the children that aren't even her own.
She was able to get a new Identity Document and a copy of her matric certificate.
Now she's looking for work to try and get her family out of there.
Even though she wanted to study she feels she needs to work for her family.
The family and two children still live in Lindelani and are trying to put their lives back together.
Please help

DAY 8: Unemployed KZN mother reaches out to help with making her daughter
Nominee: Vernie Ganas
Sponsor: Reena Modi Director at Girl Zone + Isabella/ Claudette Chetty to honour the recording is the Brand Manager.
I would like to nominate my daughter for The Big Favour for Gateway shopping mall.
She hasn't been to Gateway shopping mall before.
My daughter's name is Prinessa and she is going to be 17 years old on 10 October 2022.
I am currently unemployed, and things are tough at home.
Prinessa is always given hand me downs of other people which she gladly takes with a smile even if they are torn.

She would say to me mum sew them will use it and she will wear these clothes with pride.
Prinessa never asks me to buy her anything. As always, she excels in her studies and always there for me when I'm down.
I would appreciate it if she was chosen for The Big Favour as this will make her so happy and for Prinessa to have new clothes for her birthday.
She doesn't demand for anything, as she's always been that understanding of the position we are in as a family.
She tries to make other happy, and there when you need her she always gives us advise.
Prinessa is responsible and trustful for her age and I love her so much.
Kind regards

DAY 7: Financial injection for former welder brings so much hope and relief
Nominee: Mark Delange
Sponsor: Sheetal Tulsiram & Kavisha Singh Gold Portfolio managers at International Bank Vaults.
My life has been so very hard from 2020, like its been like a roller-coaster ride without the ride going up.
In 2019 my life was looking great, everything was going so well. I just got qualified as a welder and I was looking to get work out of outh Africa.
It was always what I worked so hard for as it took me 10 years to get to that point so when I finally got my papers in January I was so excited.
It was in Rustenburg where I had a job and let me tell you it was a great job.
We thought this is it, I was there for three days and while busy preparing a pipe for welding the pipe slipped out of the vice, fell on the grinder and the grinder then cut my left wrist.

It cut one of my main nerves and now I have no feeling in my thumb and two fingers.
I went for two surgeries but nothing helped. Just after my first surgery covid struck.
I lost so much stuff because I had to sell because of just getting 75% of my wages. I moved 4 times trying to get a house that I could maintain with that salary and still look after my family and my dad who was having chest problems.
Things got worse after that, my payments stopped for about a year I was borrowing and selling stuff.
The only thing good that came out from this, I met my wife. She's helped me get back to the person I was but she doesn't have a high paying job.
She has also tried to help me with my debt but it's too much for her as well.
Now I'm on disability pension which is definitely not enough to build myself again.
I don't want much I just want to get out of this hole that I'm in. Just want my wife not to be stressed out for a while, I want her to sleep on a bed that doesn't poke.
I want my kids to open a cupboard without fear of it falling on them.
If you can do anything to help I would appreciate it.
Thank you for your time and for reading my long story.

DAY 6: KZN parent strives to bring nothing but the best for her daughters
Nominee: Savashni Manuel
Sponsor: Bryan Maehler owner of Watches Unlimited
Please could I humbly request a big favour.
I'm a single parent currently struggling to make ends meet.
I have 2 girls one turning 13 on Sunday and I don't even have money for a birthday cake or to buy a decent present.
I get paid every month but all goes into paying rent, school transport car, and petrol which is a nightmare price for every one.
I don't even have a cent to buy anything extra to spoil the girls with.
Grocery is at a bare minimum just to get buy.
Even just R2000 just to spoil my girls and buy some extra groceries.
They are good children that understand the struggle of living expenses and don't ever demand anything which breaks me even more.
I will really appreciate any help that can be given

DAY 5: Fratelli & Mondo brings more joy for animal lover Shakila
Nominee: Shakila
Sponsor: Fratelli & Mondo
There was mention in the morning on the breakfast show, Darren, Keri and Sky about Gateway celebrating 21 years of being open.
I have someone I'd like to nominate for this giveaway.
Every day on the way to dropping my girls off at school, we drive through a settlement area where there are numerous dogs who sit (come rain or shine) waiting for their only meal a day.
It breaks my heart to see them sitting there but they know, each day they will receive a meal from a very special lady named Shakila.
Shakila who takes it upon herself to provide them with a meal as she drives past on her way to work.

She (Shakila) is a very humble lady since I've gotten to know her.
She stops each morning, feeding at least 20 dogs - all out of her own pocket.
I have donated a few bags of food to help over time, but I myself have pets and know that it all costs and adds up.
Yet, every day she is there, and they have come to rely on her for their daily meal.
I'd love for someone to please provide a donation of dog pellets, to help lift the financial burden on her.
I would also love for her to be spoilt, by your giveaway Gateway. For her , it's just a little something to give back.
She is honestly an angel and so giving of herself to these dogs.
As everyone walks and drives past, without ever giving them the attention they deserve, she is the ONLY one who stops for them.
She really deserves something special.
Kind regards
Kirsty Springett

DAY 4: Damjee Jewellers gives Hugendhren Naidoo great financial support.
Nominee: Hugendhren Naidoo
Sponsor: Yasheen Nathoo the owner of Damjee Jewellers.
I humbly appeal for urgent assistance towards my family.
I'm an unemployed male who's 49 years old who has been suffering with Diabetic as well as Epileptic.
The serious complications I'm currently in has taken toll in my life.
I receive my treatment at my local state hospital every month.
I have two children who goes to school, aged 7 and 16.
I rent an outbuilding with my family and can't meet this month's rental of 3500,00 as we don't have any support.
I don't collect a social grant as of yet and we don't have groceries supplies.
I have already appeal to you for any kind of assistance towards my family. We really would appreciate it.
God bless.
Hugendhren (Derrick) Naidoo.

DAY 3: Starting her own daycare, Simone receives much needed assistance.
Nominee: Simone Mare
Sponsor: Catherine Jacoby and Jesseelan Gounden, Marketing Manager & store manager at Toys R' Us.
I have started up my own day care center looking after kids as well as special needs children.
There isn't much day cares who provides for these kids who have special needs.
Read more: Big Favour: KZN organisation chips in to bring hope to Tholuthando Children’s Home
I would like help for these kids with education toys, push bikes which maybe no one uses and donations of any kind.
I would truly be appreciated and blessed for any kind of assistance on hand.
Thank you kindly

DAY 2: Siya's family gets helping hand from Gateway.
Nominee: Heather Wessels
Sponsor: Soti
Sonitis, Owner of Circus
Siya is long standing Art Student of mine.
His Mom Gugu told me yesterday in his Art lesson that they were robbed last week whilst her Elderly Mom and little nephew (toddler) were at home in the lounge.
The robbers literally cleaned them out leaving them with nothing, they even took the food out their fridge.
Gugu and Siya are very close to my heart as I’ve been teaching Siya for 5 years now and Gugu is a wonderful humble woman.
Read more: Big Favour: Silindokuhle receives hope from Toyota Knights
Gugu is a single mom and supports her whole family.
They are in desperate need of items from towels, linen, clothes, beds, cutlery, plates and etc.
Please if you could help me help Gugu, Siya and Granny and the little one would be so grateful.
Thank you,
Heather Wessels

DAY 1: Highway Majorette Club gets a boost from Gateway
Nominee: Elmarie Samuels
Sponsor: Michelle Shelley, Marketing Manager at Gateway
We are a team of 30 girls - ranging from 6 to 55 (junior, senior, and tertiary team drummies) from the Highway Majorette Club in Pinetown. We are asking for any assistance to help get our girls to the SA National Champs in Polokwane in October.
The girls are unable to afford the costs and have been working so hard the whole year to attend these Championships.
The costs are R2700 per girl for transport and accommodation; we are also desperately asking for sponsorships or donations for the following items
- 30 Tracksuits
- 30 T-shirts/Golf Shirts
- 30 Gym/Tog bags
- 30 jackets
Any assistance or donation would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you,
Elmarie Samuels

If you think you know of someone, anyone, that has a compelling story to tell and is in need of a helping hand, you can nominate them by clicking here or by clicking on the image below..

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