Could this be proof of a Royal ghost?

Could this be proof of a Royal ghost?

Could this be the paranormal image of the Queen in her medieval dress? Look carefully.

Ghost of the queen

Ghost hunters captured what could be the clearest image of a ghost in years!

The milky white image of a woman in a dress, is stirring up a lot of debate among the English newspapers. The image was taken a year ago when the ghost hunting team paid a visit to the Castle Rising, a famous fortress in Norfolk, England. It was once the royal residence of Queen Isabella, the wife of Edward II, who was the king of England during the 1300s.

It was where the picture was taken that's making this strange image very special. It is said that the room in which the picture was taken, is where the Queen spent a lot of her time sewing, according to The Sun.

“There were around seven of us in the room at the time. My friend turned to me and whispered, ‘Can you hear anything?’ So, I listened carefully and it sounded just like the sound of a long dress swishing over the stones coming up the stairway outside" said team leader Andy Radley to The Sun news.

Radley decided to snap a picture of the room. See the original below:

original ghost pic

“There is a clear figure that, from the clothing and the shoulder pads, looks like someone wearing medieval dress. They even look to have something on their head, like a queen might wear", Radley added. 

Queen Isabella

Universal Images Group via Getty Images

Isabella of Valois, 1389-1409. Second wife of King Richard II of England

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