10 ways to avoid catching the flu bug at work

10 ways to avoid getting flu at work

It's that time of the year when the entire office is sneezing and coughing. Here's how to avoid being part of the flu party:


We asked you to share some of your tips on how to avoid getting the flu from co-workers and this is what you had to do.

1. Wear this on your head all day. 

If they ask why you're dressed like the family from the movie "Signs" send them a doomsday email. 

Resend it later that day to the ones who're really sick. They will avoid you like the plague.

flu pic 1

Image: Movie-Signs

2) Eat like this during lunch. You won't have any disturbances from the cough monsters while you enjoy your peanut butter sarmie.

flu pic 4

Image: Ace Ventura

3) Suddenly burst into tears at your desk. When people ask, "What's wrong?", tell them you haven't been able to move on since Mustafa's death. Then softly start humming the tune of Circle of Life as you watch your colleagues back away slowly from your desk

flu pic 3

Image: Disney/LionKing

4. Get your own personal plates, glass, and coffee mugs with these word ”You use this, you will get flu – don’t say you haven’t been warned."

5. Wrap dirty socks around your throat. Science says this remedy works plus no one will want to hug or kiss you with stinky socks around your neck. It's a win-win.

dirty filthy socks 2

6. Take the dogs out for a brisk walk. Researchers say short, high-energy walks can boost your immune system.


A photo posted by 💰🎶🌵🏃💤🌈 (@marcysia_macias) on

7. To avoid contracting the flu is to avoid direct contact with those who have it. So avoid saying; "How are you?", and then shake hands, rather start with "How sick are you?". Problem solved.

#fluatwork #thismaskishot #IsIt430? #typicalWednesday

A photo posted by Laura Elizabeth (@misslauraallisonn) on

8. Stop putting your hand to your mouth. The virus/bacteria can live on your hand without infecting your body so rather keep your hands in your pockets.

We've been watching way too much #onetreehill at the cottage. #lucasscott #handsinpockets #summertvbingewatching @jessetipping

A photo posted by Shantelle Tipping (@shantelletipping) on

9. If you're surrounded by sick co-workers, tell them to 'Do the dab' when sneezing or coughing. Experts say coughing into your elbow is one of the ways you can prevent the spread of germs.

When your board and have had way too much Coca-Cola! #dab #sneeze #dabsneeze #cocacola #whyonearth

A video posted by Hannah C (@hannah_cheitel) on

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