Nonhle Ndala, Andile Jali's baby can swim!

Nonhle Ndala, Andile Jali's baby can swim!

Nonhle Ndala's daughter is a swimming pro... almost.

Andile Jali - Facebook

Nonhle Ndala’s aqua baby, Amahla Jali, has taken to swimming like a fish to water.

The reality star and fitness trainer revealed recently that her six-month-old started floating in water on her own.

Nonhle says Princess AJ achieved the milestone after only one swimming lesson.

“This right here has got to be my proudest moment... I'm sooooo happy right now,” she captioned a picture of her little starfish in action.

It won’t be long before AJ is taking part in the 10-metre butterfly at the kiddies Olympics? LOLZ! 

(File photo)

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